Monday, July 4, 2016

Mom Mondays - Five ways to give great gifts (even when you're broke)

I know that SAVING money when BUYING a gift sounds a bit counter-intuitive, but we all have loved ones that we buy gifts for several times a year regardless of our financial situation. But you don't have to dread buying gifts when you are trying to get out of debt or just trying to make ends meet! "God loves a cheerful giver" and He does not want us to be stingy when giving to others by any means. But God also wants us to be good stewards of our resources and make the most of what He has given us. It is very important to spend money wisely, even when it comes to buying gifts. 

My Mom has been a great example to me of how to buy thoughtful and meaningful gifts without breaking the bank. Being a mother of seven kids, she had to be pretty creative about how she bought gifts when we were growing up - but because of her generous spirit and love for others, she never let that get in the way of how much she constantly gave to others - and I have learned a lot from her! These are five ways that my Mom stretched her dollar when it came to buying gifts:

1. Know who you are buying for:
Have you read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman? If not, you should! It is written for married couples, but it can also be applied to children and friendships. I use it in my preschool class all the time! 

An extremely concise overview of the book is that there are five emotional "languages" by which we express and RECEIVE love. This is important to consider when buying a gift for someone because you don't want to waste money on a gift that they may or may not appreciate. This is why Gift Cards have become an extremely popular form of gift - because you don't have to really know the personality or love language of someone to know whether they will appreciate a $50.00 VISA gift card. But when living on a budget, gift cards are not always an option. 

My Mom always buys gifts that the other person loves because she spends time getting to know exactly what they like, dislike, and need. So here are five frugal gift ideas based on the five different love languages:

  1. Words of Affirmation - buy a journal from the dollar store and redecorate the cover with a quote or verse that you know the recipient loves. Then (this is the important part) write a funny memory or encouraging note about that person on random pages throughout the journal!
  2. Quality Time - this person will appreciate handmade gifts because they know how much time you spent making it, but you will also want to spend some time with them when you can actually talk face to face together. Hiking, fishing, camping, drinking a cup of tea, and walking in the park together are all very inexpensive gifts that this person would love! Giving a card with a "coupon" inside with one of these options works great too!
  3. Gifts - this one can be very tricky because if you buy a very cheap gift, they may not feel very loved. But it does not have to be expensive, you just have to know specifically what they LIKE and would USE. For example, they may really love brand new golf clubs but maybe you could find a deal on Groupon for a fun day at the course instead. Or another frugal idea is to combine forces with several other friends/family members to buy a big ticket item you know they would love instead of each of you buying smaller individual gifts!
  4. Acts of Service - this is probably the easiest one to give gifts for that do not cost any money - just your time! This can be done in a cute way in the form of coupons in a card (just like for quality time) but instead of hiking or fishing you could make a coupon for "car detailing," "doing the laundry," "room makeover," or anything that they usually do but you will do it for them instead!
  5. Physical Touch - while this person would really love a massage, that is not always an option : ) they also love sensory gifts like scented lotion, candles, soap, and FOOD. You could make their favorite sweet treat or make some handmade scented soap! And great hugs are always appreciated! If it is your spouse you can plan a special night at your house - no money needed! 

2. Always have a "Gift Stash:"
I have always remembered my Mom having a special Gift Stash in her closet of things that she got for next to nothing but were high quality items. This was great for when we learned about a birthday party last minute! It is also a way to be able to surprise someone and lift their spirits even if you do not have a lot of money on hand : )

3. Buy things gradually:
My Mom never went out on a certain day to get the majority of her Christmas shopping done because (usually before Thanksgiving) she already had the majority of everyone's presents. Something that has helped me with this is to have a specific spot designated in the closet for the gifts and to also have a list on my smart phone of who we already bought gifts for, and who we still need to buy for. Buying gifts gradually helps you to not overspend by not having to buy expensive gifts or gift cards last minute.

4. Why buy it when you can make it?
Now this one I totally got from my mom because she always encouraged us when we were kids to MAKE gifts for our family since we didn't have any money : ) I started a tradition a long time ago of buying a calendar from the dollar store for my grandparents and making super cute and intricately designed pages to cover up the generic pictures. Usually, they end up being Dachshund related (because that is what they love) and they have saved all of the calendars that I have made for them each year!

5. If you can't make it - get it on clearance!
Usually everything in the "Gift Stash" was on clearance. Or in the Dollar Section. Or on clearance in the Dollar Section! The point is - you don't have to pay full price for a gift that you know they will love - just know who you are buying for and give joyfully!

Let me know in the comments below of any inexpensive gift ideas you have - or what your love language is and what gifts you would appreciate!

If you would like to take a Quiz to find out your love language click here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should really post some pictures of the calendars that you have made. A picture is worth a thousand words! You are incredibly gifted and talented and frugal beyond your years, Kristen! Love, Momma